When you chat with many people who buy and sell in the market, you will see that the main reason that includes them in this system is the desire to earn money in a short time. Some are trying to win something with a small amount of money. Some are actually doing this to get excited, but they are not even aware of this reason. Some have been included in this market by considering the dynamics of the market in a professional sense. There are also those who are motivated by the stories of those who have won in the stock market and want to turn the corner and reach comfort in a short time. It is necessary to discuss what is comfortable here, but we will go beyond the subject.
There is the following in my missions with many short-term contractors, it won 4 units and lost 6 units. The market found solace by saying that it was bad, and it was loaded again. This time he gained 8 units and lost 7 units. Basically, his earnings are more than his loss, and his capital is melting, but it does not end. Because he transfers capital from his fixed income job to his additional job in his dream world. His hope is that someday he will surely win. Well, they said hope is the poor man's bread.
If you do not have a main psychological backbone when it comes to trading. Believe me, if you do not have a successful strategy of your own that will satisfy you within this spine, winning will be a dream. Are you a thinker? What is the percentage of your chances of winning when you make a purchase. After buying, the price goes either down, up, or horizontally. And why are you still losing?
Data from researches show that the number of losers is a considerable number. This does not mean that you will definitely win in the long run. What if you take it long term, after you don't catch the main uptrend? There have been shares falling for 3 years. You know what was won in the long run?
Whether it is short or long, the motive that will save you money is perception management. While some see the decline as an opportunity to buy, some see it as the collapse has begun. Anyway, if such different perceptions do not occur, there will be no trading in the market, not even the price. The general picture in the market is that short-term investors are predominant and a small amount of capital is reserved for this trading logic. it turns out. News is an indicator that increases or decreases expectations. System traders can criticize the news because they see how the expectation has changed on the indicators. They are right, I accept that everything is in the price, they say that the indicators that are the derivative of the price show me anyway. Regardless of your short-medium-long term, the logic you will apply in order to maintain your presence in the market in a healthy way is the same.
After all, we always say the same things.
Macro data supporting your position.
-Technical analysis for your trading schedule.
-Stop-trailing stop for risk management.
Perception management
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